Order Mindstorms EV3 through FCD Lego Club, and get 20% Rebate!
Lego Mindstorms EV3 is the basial equipment for every kid likes robotics. RobotC and Lego Mindstorms EV3 is a very strong combination. What makes RobotC more superior than other robotics language development software for Mindstorms EV 3 is its debugging feature. It provides a graphical user-interface environment which mimics the text-based as well. This allows students to make a much easier transition when they are ready to move onto more complex projects.
- What to order:
- Should purchase the RobotC for Mindstorms "Individual" Licence if you have already owned a Mindstorms set.
- If you have yet owned a Mindstorms set, you may purchase the RobotC Virtual World for robotics programming practice.
Please contact FCD Lego Club for any detailed information.

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