FCD Lego Club founded by John Wang in September 2016. The FCD Lego club is the liaison of Union county magnet high school Team 1257. Team 1257 from Union county magnet high school comes to FCD Chinese school every year to demo their robotics built by their team used for competition.
The FCD Lego Club has two levels, a beginning level for kids starting from 4 years old and advance level for 7 years old kid has background of Lego. Kids in the beginning level use WeDo 2.0 version to build basic Lego unit to learn basic movement and drag and drop programing. Kids in the advanced level use EV3 Mindstorms to learn simple physics and programming. Club retention rate is very high. Instructor and parents work together to send their kids to attend the different level of first league contest dependent on kids interesting.
- Activity Hour:
- Saturday 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
- Chief Instructor:
- John Wang
- Instructor:
- David Chang
- James Ge
- Alex Xie
- Useful Linkes:

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